


AMI Movie is a collection of audiovisual products made to promote knowledge of museums by disseminating content developed according to profiling models, that respond to innovative storytelling methods, inspired by storytelling techniques and the logic of active involvement, by integrating in-depth content on the demonstrators object of piloting and are freely usable by users during viewing.


Interactive Videos

Through the creation of interactive videos, users can deepen their knowledge on the museum location, accessing, through a series of interactive solutions, different types of multimedia content specially designed to give greater visibility to the locations and to disseminate the Project outputs.

The interactive videos were created for the demonstrators of Morra de Sanctis and Torella dei Lombardi, to raise awareness of the two small villages of Irpinia and what has been realized by the project partners through piloting.



Communicating museums in a simple, direct and captivating way without losing sight of the museum institution; presenting the locations; disseminating the outputs of the AMI Project: these are the aims that inspired the creation of the adverts on the demonstrators “Circolo Artistico Politecnico”, “Gaetano Filangieri Civic Museum”, “Morra de Sanctis” and “Torella dei Lombardi”, the AmiAR App , the “IncontrArti” Visual Novel , the MiniGames and “Board Games”.

Il Circolo Artistico Politecnico

Il Museo civico Gaetano Filangieri

AnimArs –  Le diverse anime di un’opera d’arte – Museo Filangieri

I Pezzi Forti del Museo civico Gaetano Filangieri

Morra de Sanctis

Torella dei Lombardi

Ami Project – I Prodotti



Ami Project – I Fumetti



ContaminArti, the docu-film dedicated to the Fondazione Circolo Artistico Politecnico, was founded on the desire to narrate in an engaging and exciting way, the history of the Foundation, what it represents and contains, allowing users to learn about the most intimate, hidden aspects of the Foundation and understand its links with the city of Naples and Neapolitan culture.
