Augmented Reality, 3D Models, Three-dimensional Scans, Applications for Smartphones and Tablets, these are the constituent ingredients of AmiTech, a set of the most advanced technological solutions at the service of users, for their entertainment and knowledge.

AmiAR is an application for mobile devices, available on Android and IOS, which allows the visitor, thanks to Augmented Reality and 3D Graphics, to be the protagonist of a treasure hunt set in a museum location. The idea arises from the need to give the user the opportunity to discover the location in an innovative way and acquire content in an enjoyable way thanks to the game. In fact, users can immerse themselves in the experience by solving puzzles whose solutions will be works present in the chosen location, to be framed with a camera to be able to access additional contents in AR.

After downloading the application on their devices, users can choose their profile from the four present (child, teen, adult or expert): the difficulty of the puzzles and the vocabulary of the experience have been developed and differentiated according to the profiling models.
In particular, two games have been developed with the AMIAR App: one based on the demonstrator “Museo Civico Gaetano Filangieri”, entitled “The dream of the Prince of Satriano”, and the other dedicated to the demonstrator “Fondazione Circolo Artistico Politecnico “, Entitled” In Search of Myriam “
AMI Filangieri Smart Museum
A museum yet to be discovered. Year 1888 Gaetano Filangieri, Prince of Satriano, donates a Civic Museum to his beloved city. Despite the great operation, over the next two centuries, a series of misfortunes and bad management, did not allow Filangieri’s dream to continue. In the 2000s a major valorisation operation was implemented, with the reopening to the public. Today this development continues, it does so with the most modern technologies, thanks to the AMI project. We want to promote this museum by offering the visitor to know the works through an IoT App, which is able to be a tool for the visitor to enter the museum and discover the works through an intelligent use.

By downloading the App, the user, who decides to visit the Filangieri, puts his device in communication with a series of beacons (previously arranged inside the rooms). These are small emitters able to be intercepted, via Bluetooth system, by smartphone and by users’ tablet, which are put in contact with the work.
Through the concept of proximity, the user can decide to listen to the history of the work and continue with all those that belong to a specific path. The two chosen routes are: The strong pieces of the Museum and the Filangieri Family. The cards are multilingual and multimedia, to access them select the preferred user profile (choose between child, teenager, adult and expert) you see photo galleries, you have the opportunity to follow the story by listening to the story by a professional voice.

AMI Morra De Sanctis
In Morra De Sanctis, there is a small but precious museum. Here the finds from the excavations carried out in the area at the end of the last decades of the twentieth century are preserved. Some objects are of great value because they are rare and very well preserved. To promote this place, and to introduce the most important objects in the collection, an app was created in IoT, to bring together not only the expert public, but entire categories, in particular teenagers and children, more accustomed to the use of modern technologies. By downloading the App, users will be able to follow a visit, able to tell the history of the finds according to the different user profiles.

AMI AR Filangieri Museum
The works in the Agata Room can be seen in augmented reality. Such as? By downloading our app, the user will be able to frame each painting of the Hall with his smartphone or tablet and view the caption, read the catalog card, listen to the audio from a professional voice, see the details of the works by enlarging the photographs within the Photo gallery.
Virtual reality
A new technology to make the visit really a complete experience, a 360 ° experience … Yes, wearing the viewer, the user, even remotely, is immersed in the demonstrators, and can visit the rooms up close, the paintings and sculptures, open the cataloging cards by fixing the gaze on special information points, and more!

Entering virtually in the Comencini hall of the Circolo Artistico, the user has in front of him all the paintings that, in reality, act as overlays, can look at them closely and read in-depth information sheets based on the user profile and the chosen language. In the Sala Agata of the Filangieri Museum, facing the paintings View of Chiaia and View of Naples from the sea, the user enters the picture and from there, enters a window and finds himself immersed in today’s Naples!
A special in-depth study was then given to the ceiling at the entrance of the Filangieri.
Made on commission by Gaetano Filangieri, thousands of gold mosaic tiles have been joined together and the names of the Filangieri family dynasty have been affixed to them. Wearing the viewer and looking towards the vault of the Filangieri room inside the virtual space, the mosaics become closer and old lithographic prints of the family characters are shown, so the user can read the names on the vault and give it a face .
Morra De Sanctis and Torella dei Lombardi can also be used through the application that provides a brief overview.
All the acquisitions were carried out with photogrammetry and laser scanner techniques.

Interactive touchscreen application
The enhancement of the Museum also takes place through game modes! Small mini games created to favor the smallest audience, and why not, even the biggest, towards the museum collection, a more innovative way to make the history of the works known, to be experimented on the spot.
The museum will have the possibility of having an interactive table application and showing visitors that come in-depth information sheets on the works, without needing a smartphone or tablet.
You can view the Filangieri logo and the Circolo’s logo in 3D format.
You can view the 3D reconstruction of a bust, a sculpture and other models from the Gaetano Filangieri Civic Museum.
Autore: Giulio Mencaglia (attr.)
Data: ante 1645
Autore: Lorenzo Vaccaro (attr.)
Data: 1695
You can view the 3D reconstruction of the Campanile in Morra de Sanctis (AV), how it was and how it is today.
You can view the 3D reconstruction of the monumental Fountain and the Tomb of the Moor in Torella dei Lombardi (AV)